Dental Implants – The Modern Way to Bridge a Gap


A Dental Implant procedure is part of dental surgery to replace a missing tooth. Unlike bridges or dentures to replace missing teeth, a dental implant is placed into the jawbone and does not move.

Dr Alex Ritchie is highly trained in all aspects of implant dentistry and uses state-of-the-art keyhole surgical techniques, which are minimally invasive and virtually pain-free. As always Alex’s top priority is patient comfort and safety, in addition to obtaining excellent outcomes.

Dental Implants are made from high grade medical titanium and has a screw like appearance. The first step in an implant process is to place the implant is placed into the jawbone where the roots of the natural tooth once were, and over time the bone grows around the implant which is how it remains in place. Three months later an implant crown is then attached to the implant. Once completed, it is difficult to distinguish the difference between an implant crown and natural teeth. Additionally, implant surgery is extremely effective with success rates of over 95%, making it one of them most successful dental treatment available.

Implant surgery is a highly skilled area of dentistry, requiring careful assessment and planning to ensure an optimal outcome for patients. If you would like to see if implant surgery may be suitable for you, we recommend a 30-minute consultation with Alex to discuss the procedure.

We have a limited time offer for implants with our ‘start to finish’ implant treatment, including finished crown attachment for $3999, which is a $1500 discount. This offer is only valid until 30th October 2021.  

 To secure an appointment call Dental on Cambridge on 3348 6661 or book online!